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Staying Healthy at Kanuka Yoga Space

Writer's picture:

Updated: Aug 7, 2024

Thanks for taking the time to check-in.

We love maintaining a safe and healthy studio space for everyone to enjoy. For us, this means regular cleans and dusting, moping floors and polishing windows, washing blankets and combing our bolsters, nurturing our plants and generally keeping on top of everything else that happens.

All these things usually seem like a given, however we love being transparent and sharing how we like to do things at Kanuka Yoga. Especially over the last few years, it has been more important to share this type of info with the community.

Probably the most important practice we can all do to support each other still remains:

If you're not feeling well, please stay at home.

Staying healthy at Kanuka Yoga in Auckland

Staying Healthy at Kanuka Yoga Space:

  • Hand wash stations in the bathroom and kitchen sink

  • Hand sanitiser in a few different locations

  • Mat spray available underneath mat holders (spray formula is witch-hazel, tea tree oil, DoTerra's 'On Guard' oil, rubbing alcohol and water)

  • We're wiping down door handles, sink handles and check-in iPad regularly

  • Also, we're encouraging any of our teachers who are not feeling well to stay at home and recover; meaning there may be substitute teachers for your regular classes (this happens year-round)

Kanuka Yoga is a big space with lots of room for everyone. We can comfortably hold 20 yogis, however (on an average) we see about 12 people per class, meaning you'll have plenty of personal space for your practice.

Yoga Classes in Hobsonville, Auckland - Kanuka Yoga Space

Here are some things you can do:

  • Bring your own mat to class - we have always recommended this for comfort and cleanliness.

  • Wash / sanitise your hands before and after class (if you have your own hand sanitiser then feel free to bring that in your bag!)

  • You can look at purchasing a small micro-fibre towel to use on our bolsters; the towels are super soft and comfortable to lie on, plus great way to reduce physical contact with shared props. Here's one from Lululemon - click here

  • If you're feeling unwell at all, please stay home and give yourself time to rest/recover

Otherwise, if you're feeling well and comfortable with who you've been in contact with recently, then feel free to attend classes as you normally would. Class bookings can be made through the Momence App, or through our website -

Being mindful of the ideas above can improve how we interact with our thoughts, how we communicate with others and how we can strengthen our close community and lift each other up.

We look forward to continuing the practice of mindful breath and movement with you going forward.

Yoga Classes in Hobsonville, Auckland

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