We're taking classes to the outdoors with your favourite Kanuka Yoga teachers.
Days are getting brighter, warmer and longer with each passing day as we head towards our beloved Kiwi Summer months.
In these changing and uncertain times, we feel heading outside, connecting with some familiar, friendly faces and getting an hour of mindful breath and movement in is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
Keep reading and learn more about outdoor yoga with Kanuka, what to expect and how to best prepare yourself =)

Current Location:
Hobsonville Point - Rifle Range Amphitheatre
(we will notify people if we decide to change this)
Good To Know:
You can book Outdoor Yoga classes via our website schedule, or using the MindBody App (same process as our in-studio class bookings).
If you have booked, and we decide to cancel due to unfavourable weather conditions, you will be notified straight away via email, and your class will be returned to your account.
We have space for 9x students + 1x teacher - 10x people total.
There is plenty of space so 2 meters distance is easily possible.
If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, please do so.
Best Tips For Practicing Outdoor Yoga
Yoga Mat vs Something Else
Firstly, choose whatever works best in your situation! These suggestions are from personal experience and what we've learnt from others.
*Note - our current outdoor location has grass + hard surface options.
On surfaces like grass and sand:
Yoga mat - can bunch up because the ground may be uneven. Unless you have a dedicated outdoor yoga mat, your favourite mat will likely get quite dirty. You may like to put a towel underneath.
No mat - Grass and sand surfaces are already grippy. It is amazing to feel and sense the actual earth beneath you when you're outside.
Towel or Blanket - great to protect yourself from the chill or dampness of the ground.

On surfaces like concrete, wooden deck spaces and hard surfaces,
Yoga mat will be useful and won't become dirty as other surfaces.
In any case, it is very helpful to bring a spare towel which can give your ankles, knees and wrists some extra padding.
Is Outdoor Yoga the same as Indoor Yoga?
For the most part, we will say yes they're very similar, however your experience outdoors vs in-studio will be quite different for the following reasons:
A variable surface can bring new challenges with balance; that's a positive in our eyes.
Outdoor yoga is often held in public spaces, meaning you will encounter people walking by, going on runs, bike rides and walking their dogs. Naturally, these people will be curious of what we're doing.
It can be difficult to hear your teacher in the outdoors. If you're hard of hearing and know this could be a problem, arrive early for a suitable spot.
Bring appropriate layers to make sure you're comfortable in the sun, under clouds, or with a breeze. I.e. sunglasses, hat, warm jumper.
Having some emergency bug repellant might be handy
Lastly, we feel it's best to keep moving in the outdoors. For practices like Yin or Restore, oftentimes we need props and this generally isn't the best option outside. So, we prefer to offer Slow, Power Flow, and Yin/Yang classes inspired by Hatha and Vinyasa practices.
Something else to consider with an outdoor yoga practice; the wrists stabilise differently against a soft, grassy surface. You may want to consider modifying your practice to avoid unwanted pressure on the ulna bone where it connects to the outer hand. Perhaps take child's pose where you'd normally flow to plank :)

We are doing what we can to share yoga to the local community in these changing times, so we really appreciate your patience and feedback whilst we continue sharing yoga; where-ever this may be =)
Thank you for your time in reading this.
We appreciate you being part of the Kanuka Yoga community.
Kanuka Yoga Space