We're very excited to introduce our latest offering at the studio...
Existing members can now
Gift a Free Trial Class to a Friend!
Want To Know The Best Part?
If your friend decides to try an Intro Offer (after their free trial class), then you (our existing member) will receive $25 in class credits on your Momence account. You can use these credits toward and future pass, workshop entry or Yoga Retreat!
Wondering how you refer someone to the studio?
Firstly, you have to be an existing member with us to refer someone else to the studio.
Simply login into your account profile on Momence and hit the 'Refer & Earn' button (if using a laptop or desktop computer on the bottom left menu bar) and find your 'Share Your Invite Link'.
See below for a few images to help guide you.
On the Momence App (navigate to Kanuka Yoga Space and see Refer & Earn in the top right hand corner)

On desktop/laptop....
You can do this as many times as you want, so if you have a lot of friends interested in trying a new practice, then you can gift them free classes and potentially earn yourself free yoga classes, retreats, or workshops!
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us on our social channels, phone (0276 KANUKA) or email hello@kanukayoga.co.nz
Thanks for practicing with us.